The main objective of TARRACO EMPRESA CONSTRUCTORA S.L.U. is to guarantee our clients and other relevant interested parties a high quality of execution of the works and after-sales service, adequate environmental behaviour and an occupational risk prevention system that guarantee a result in accordance with current requirements and future expectations. The involvement of the people who work and collaborate with us is a basic pillar for its reach.
TARRACO is aware of the importance of establishing quality, environmental and prevention commitments, applicable to the entire organization and to external industrial, supply or service providers, who carry out their activities both in works execution projects and in services to the public. organization.
Therefore, TARRACO is committed to:
- Guarantee customer satisfaction and compliance with their contractual requirements, providing added value to projects, identifying relevant demands that can revert to benefits for society.
- Promote our code of ethics among all the people who work with us, providing more humane and responsible values.
- Develop and promote the Criminal Offenses Prevention Plan to avoid undesirable acts that may conflict with our values and code of ethics.
- Promote the Equality Plan with the aim of achieving gender equality, the use of inclusive language, the prevention of sexual and gender-based harassment and the reconciliation of personal, family and work life.
- Analyse the needs and expectations of each client and other relevant interested parties to establish continuous improvement actions in the Integrated Management System. Improvement of our products and services, of the entire organization and of management processes.
- Be proactive in new technologies, construction techniques and regulatory requirements, promoting the high training of the organization’s personnel. We are committed to continuous training that provides professional and ethical competence to the organization’s staff.
- Comply with all legal and regulatory requirements and with those other requirements and initiatives that the company voluntarily subscribes to. Manage risks and opportunities to eliminate or minimize the probabilities of contamination, acquiring environmental prevention commitments.
- Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and ill health, as well as eliminate hazards and reduce risks for OSH.
- Promote the consultation and participation of workers in PRRLL matters.
- Establish annual objectives and goals of prevention, quality, and environment.
- Guarantee the effectiveness of the system through periodic reviews by Senior Management.
- Involve all staff, internal and external, in the performance and effectiveness of the Integrated Management System and its objectives. Promote the creation of innovative and creative projects that provide practical solutions to the services we offer, to the organization and to internal management processes.
Signed by Mrs. Patricia Martínez Portillo, CEO / Mr. Jordi Marí Escanellas, General Director
April 2023